Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Neighbourhood Watch "Our first discussions"

At the last committee meeting of the Bellvista Community Association we were addressed by Sergeant Di Kirkman, she is the officer in charge of the District Crime Prevention Unit, Sunshine Coast District. Neighbourhood watch is one of Di's responsibilities. She informed the meeting of the benefits in forming the program in the Bellvista Community.

There are several steps down the road to forming a successful Neighbourhood Watch program, at the meeting we covered steps 1 and 2. The 3rd. step is the formation of a "Steering Committee".

If you think you will have the time to take part please contact Tony Mohr on 0407 546 311 or Email mohrie@big.pond.com.

This will also be on the agenda for the Community meeting to be held on the 23rd. March at the Stocklands sales office.

Also at the meeting were S/Const. Jeff Frazer and Const. Stefan Desch. The officers gave the meeting a situation report on crime in our area and advice on how to deal with problem areas. This was well received and our thanks go to both Jeff and Stefan.

Theft in Gibbs St.

It has been reported that a theft took place in Gibbs St. during school drop off time. Please ensure you lock all your doors even if you are leaving home for a short time. Anyone who has any information on this please contact Caloundra Police on 5439 4444. Remember you could be next.

Free tree day

Even rain could not dampen the enthusiasm of all our tree lovers. The day was a great success and Anna Grosskreutz was happy with the attendance and will hold another in the near future. Residents who missed out may receive the same service by presenting their rates notice at the council depot in Industrial Ave Caloundra on any Wednesday between 1 and 3pm. ask for Cheryl.
New residents may also pick up a "starter kit" to assist in establishing their garden, rates notice is also required.

Happy days

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dropping of Students at Unity College

I have had a communication from a concerned resident regarding the amount of traffic congestion around Unity College when parents are dropping students off. In particular the amount of double parking. In the interest of child safety is this a problem? Do we need a school crossing?

Since the original post I have been informed that Police have patrolled the College at drop off times and have in fact booked vehicles for parking in the restricted yellow zones. Please take care when dropping off students. Take your time

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Free Tree Day 14 February2009

A free tree day will be held in Lomond Crescent Park on Saturday 14th. February 2009 from 11am. to 1pm.

This day is sponsored by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. Cr. Anna Grosskreutz and a Council horticulturalist will be giving away free plants to residents of Division 1. Just bring your current rates notice to be eligible for 2 free native plants.

A member of the Bellvista Community Association will be there to answer any questions regarding the Association. You may join on the day and membership is free. Come along and have a chat and join in the fun of greening Australia.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another BeCA Update Monday Feb 3rd,

BeCA has received correspondence from Nick Wellwood, Stockland's Regional Manager for the Sunshine Coast congratulating BeCA on its successful formation. It was in this letter that he confirmed his wish for Marc Wilkinson (the Project Director for Caloundra Downs) to address the March 23rd Public Meeting to be held at 6:45 at the Stockland Land Sales Office with a presentation to show the area what is being planned for land around Bellvista.

He said, "As you are probably aware the future for your area is very exciting with plans for the emerging development to bring many benefits to your community and we would be very pleased to receive ongoing input from you and your members as we go through the process of master planning the adjoining site."

He also mentioned that eventually the current Land Sales Office would be sold though it is not currently on the market.

It is expected the next BeCA Newsletter will be distributed this weekend (Feb 7th or 8th).

BeCA is arranging a small group to liaise with Unity College principal Rudi Goosem on how each group can best support each other. The school population will be invited to participate in Naming Local Parks discussions.

The Committee has recognized 4 park areas to be 'named', the major park surrounding the lake, the park on O'Reilly Drive, the park on Shannon Crescent, and the park on Rawson St.

This Blog Site was also discussed. It is planned that a 'fixed' web site be created but that this blog will continue as a venue for the community to voice their opinions and feedback via "Comments". When the new web page is up an running, this blog will be scaled back on the information it provides. It is also planned to 'migrate' the blog across to be run fully and totally by BeCA using their own Blogger Account.

The BeCA Committee is seeking to form a "Community Facilities' Sub Committee which will monitor the ownership and use of facilities which would be of benefit to BeCA and the Bellvista Community. It is seeking people with expertise in liaising with government and local authorities for support in acquiring and maintaining facilities or buildings which would benefit Bellvista.

Feel free to contact BeCA Secretary Tony Mohr if you wish to be involved with this committee.

BeCA is pursuing other ideas to foster community knowledge and input via a range of activities. A fridge magnet was suggested which has both Stockland's and BeCA's logos as well as a range of important contact numbers (ambulance, fire brigade, etc). This idea will be discussed with Stockland.

We just love the new BeCA logo and a letter of thanks is being forwarded. BeCA will also provide copies of this committee's minutes to local MP's and our SCRC Councillor, Anna Grosskreutz to keep them informed of the activities and concerns of the Bellvista Community Association.

Minutes of this Meeting can be downloaded here.

The committee's next meeting is Feb 16th.