Tuesday, December 9, 2008

General Meeting December 8th

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The President opened the meeting at 6:45 pm and welcomed everyone.

Guest Speakers:

(a) Jack and Taylor (Unity College):

Two students from Bellvista's own Unity College addressed the meeting in a well rehearsed presentation telling the meeting all about their school. The anticipated enrolment in 2009 is 740 students up to and including Yr12. The students spoke of the school's facilities and its plans.

(b) Councillor Grosskreutz:

The Councillor reported to the meeting on various issues effecting our community:

1. The toilets in the park will go ahead in some form or another but may be some time away into the future. Budgets for 2009-2010 are currently being discussed by the SCRC and it is expected that the new toilet facilities for the park near the Land Sales Office will be included in those estimates. A copy of the original letter from SCRC can be seen to the left.

2. The SCRC is keen to take ownership of the current Land Sales Office for use by the community in the future. The SCRC is expecting to negotiate an appropriate arrangement to take control of the Land Sales Office in discussions with Stocklands.

3. Councillor Grosskreutz has been liaising with Stocklands for the provision of more road access routes to the estate as it is extended.

4. Councillor Grosskreutz has had some discussion with the Caloundra Airport Authorities on the height all forms of aircraft use over the Bellvista Estate. When asked had the community noticed a lessening of noisy flights, the meeting returned a firm "No".

5. There was a report on the SCRC's support for the proposed Shopping Centre for the Estate. The new shopping centre will accommodate a 'fair sized' supermarket, 6 Specialty shops, a restaurant/tavern and a drive-thru bottle shop. A copy of a plan of the proposed shopping centre can be seen here. You can download your own .pdf copy from BECA Downloads on the right of this page. Discussion was had on the traffic concerns this would bring, especially when we consider 740 students arriving at or departing from Unity College. Below is an artist's impression of the proposed new complex.


The minutes for all previous meetings were tabled for perusal. They can be downloaded from here.


Correspondence had been received on the following issues:
* Incorporation Information,
* Apologies
* SCR Council, re Toilet For The Park (see Councillor's report above)
* Proposed Agenda items covering Shopping Complex information, illegal truck parking and no through roads.


A cheque account was to be opened in the name of Bellvista Community Association with Heritage Building Society. Three signatories were required of which any two may sign.

General Business:

1. The winner of the Logo Competition was Sally Collins. Further work on the logo is to be carried out by the Caloundra RSL.

2. Discussion was had on the median strip in Balmoral Drive, toilet in the park, reeds in local waterways, and road access in and out of Bellvista. Discussion suggested that the appropriate authority be contacted to carry out required maintenance. As areas of responsibility were slowly being handed over to the SCRC from Stockland there was a need to determine who was responsible for which section to be attended to. The Toilet issue had been covered by the Councillor and Bellvista access was a topic to be raised with a senior Stockland official to be invited to address the Association sometime in 2009. The Councillor agreed the Sales Office was a valuable community asset and was taking all steps possible to procure it for the local community.

3. The issues of illegal truck parking and No Through Road signage were to be addressed in correspondence to the SCRC.

4. Interested persons in a Family Cycle Club should meet with Tony Mohr after the meeting or contact him at his email address.

5. Tony Mohr reported that BeCA was not in a financial position to be able to provide Public Liability Insurance at this stage.

6. Interest was sought on the creation of a Neighborhood Watch Sub-Committee.

The meeting closed at 8 pm

Next meeting is to be conducted sometime in February 2009 at the Bellvista Land Sales Office.

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