Thursday, January 29, 2009

Naming Parks On The Bellvista Estate

BeCA has contacted the SCRC regarding processes communities may use to 'name' parks. We have several picturesque parks and relaxation areas on our estate. These areas are not named. BeCA approached SCRC about processes to name parks and received this reply. Click on the highlighted text to download the file (90kb).


  1. This would be a great idea for all in our community to join in and help name our parks. It would make it easier for people to beable to say "Lets a a picnic at Central Park." Family and friends would know where to meet you.

    Lets as a community get behind this idea, with a chance of being able to have a name that you came up with being used for one of our parks.

    Your current President of BeCA, Phil

  2. Word from the President, it is on the agenda of the committee meeting for the Feb 16. Any comments please send to the Secretary

    Tony Mohr
