--------NOW OR NEVER--------
May I introduce a few facts regarding the topical issue of the proposed Caloundra South Redevelopment Plan, specifically whether the aerodrome remains.BIGGER, NOISIER--------Most importantly, the community should be aware that if it remains, the aerodrome will not be the facility residents currently recognise. Once assured of tenure, existing lessees, as Mr. Kenny is on record as confirming, will expand their operations. More aircraft movements, more investment required by Council, more safety and noise issues, more residents and visitors adversely effected.
FINANCIAL IMPACT---------The result would be rapidly decreasing property values over ever-increasing areas of Caloundra and surrounds. These areas would then, like every other area with aircraft/helicopter facilities, become an unpopular destination for prospective home-buyers concerned with quality-of-life issues. Residential areas with airports/aerodromes inevitably become low socio-economic zones due to depreciating property values. The local real estate industry is on record as acknowledging the adverse impact retention and inevitable expansion of the aerodrome would have on property values of the numerous areas effected. Probably not generally appreciated are the potential financial implications for the Council. The aerodrome property, which is owned by the State Government, (estimated value $50,000,000) is potentially capable of generating around $1,000,000 per year in rate revenue plus MANY HUNDREDS of jobs. The Council is currently liable for all expenditure required to operate the aerodrome (for minimal financial return). The existing occupying businesses currently enjoy substantially lower costs compared to similar businesses at Council's Sunshine Coast Airport, where modern aircraft infrastructure already exists, giving them a commercial advantage they obviously wish to retain.
AIR MUSEUM----------There is no compelling reason why the museum cannot remain where it is. It desperately needs a massive injection of funds. With State and Federal governments reluctant, a well-resourced developer's involvement surely offers the best chance for it's future.
HEALTH IMPACT---------The "World Health Organisation Survey 2007 "linked excessive noise with stress-related strokes and heart attacks. "Schools Exposed To Aircraft Noise Are Not Healthy Education Environments. Noise Adversely Effects The Ability Of School-children To Learn,"stated the Lancet in 2005. The Queensland Environmental Protection Agency reported that 40% of Australians are disturbed and/or lose sleep because of unwanted noise at home. Also, we should ask ourselves, is the managing of an aerodrome a core activity of Council? Continually responding to the various issues such as complaints by residents and aerodrome leaseholders must divert Council resources from other community issues.
FUTURE VISION---------Surely most residents would agree that the Council should have a vision for the future development of the Sunshine Coast that will enhance the quality-of-life for ALL residents. More employment opportunities for school-leavers, provision of rail transport, MODERN retail/commercial infrastructure, are just some examples of what is needed. We should not let ourselves be distracted by short-term employment or other issues put forward by those who stand to benefit commercially. Council, not politicians and others with vested interests, is surely in the most informed position to make a decision in the best interests of the majority of residents.
QUESTION---------Finally, ask yourself this, "If an airport/aerodrome and associated helicopter activities are desirable, why is no other community clamoring to provide the current lessees with an alternative location?"
N.B: S.C.R.C.aircraft reporting line. Ph.5453 1501