More details regarding BeCA’s recent meeting with Stockland can be found on the News & Events pages of the Beca Website. You can get to the website HERE.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
It Doesn’t Look Like An Underground Carpark!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Shopping Centre Construction Underway: (16/2/2010)
The photo above shows excavation commencing for the construction for the new Shopping Complex in Rawson St. The excavation is for the underground carpark which will provide more parking spaces underground than above ground.
Sunshine Coast Regional Council has set strict road safety guidelines for the corner of Lomond Cres and Rawson Avenue. The corner is to be widened and the bikeway/footpath is to be extended to 2 metres wide.
The “Photo Gallery” at the BeCA Website will keep you updated on progress.
More Bellvista News can be found HERE.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Complex Building Powers On
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Revamped Newsletter
BeCA is also seeking a sponsor for the Newsletter so we can have it photocopied in color. Currently the Association’s resources do not allow us the cost of color photocopying. Contact the Secretary at the above link if you know of someone who may be able to help.
You can download your own copy of the February 2010 Newsletter HERE. It is a 1150kb pdf file. Right Click on the "HERE" and select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As". The newsletter will then be downloaded to your computer.
Traffic Bankup At Unity College Pick-up Time: (2/2/2010)
These photos were taken at 3 pm on Tuesday February 2nd at the roundabout connecting Bellvista Blvd and Dumbarton Drive. The photo above left shows traffic banked up from the roundabout heading north towards Caloundra Rd. The other photo above right shows the view looking south across the roundabout back towards the school.
Current school enrolment is just over 900 students. Unity College has been designed to accommodate 1400 students.
What if ……..
You needed to get to an important appointment in Caloundra.
There was a serious medical emergency and an ambulance wanted to get the patient up Bellvista Blvd to hospital.
There was a fire and Bellvista residents had been advised to evacuate the estate.
The answer is, hope it doesn’t happen between 2:30 and 3:30 pm on a school day!
Welcome To The New member Of The Family: (10/2/2010)
Visitors to Lake Bellvista have been delighted to see the Lake’s resident swan family has a new addition! This young addition has been spotted making itself at home under the careful eye of Mum and Dad! Some residents think there may have been more cygnets in this hatching but perhaps there were lost in the recent heavy downpour which may have caused the lake water level to rise and possibly wash some of this year’s brood away.