Thursday, November 4, 2010
Public Meeting, Nov 8th at 6:45 pm
You can find out more about this meeting by visiting the BeCA website. A direct link to the item is HERE.
The new lights at the Bellvista Market Place are causing some nearby residents grief. You can read more about this and other issues HERE.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
And The Comments Just Keep On Coming!
Here are one or two of the more interesting comments:
"Planning for the Sunshine Coast is a very economic and emotional issue and may also be the reason for the lack of decision making. I am not convinced who is right and who is wrong however I think one is rampant with arrogance whilst the other is paralysed by analysis, you decide which is which."
"We the people are squeezed by the kamikaze environmental lobby in one direction; state government, which is owned by developers, from another; and the Federal Government, which dances to the tune of global corporations, and even worse, the same international bankers who finance the World Bank, the IMF and the BIS."
"We all know that the main reason most people move to coasts is to regularly go to the beach. That is difficult already because of lack of parking so imagine what it is going to be like for us with another 45,000 people wanting to do the same!
If all these sections of land are going to be developed, part of development costs MUST go towards building multi story or underground carparking at every named beach on the coast."
Sunday, October 3, 2010
"Mum And Dad" Back To See The Offspring!
Click on the photo for a larger view, then click "Back" to return to this page.
No one is sure just why they are back. Other residents expressed surprise when they left as usually they would stay until the young one can fly. It looks like still some growing has to occur before the young one will be taking to the air.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
It's Coming Back!
At the moment the bottom lake still looks quite clear.
Click on the photo for a larger view, then on 'Back' to return to this page.
For all other Bellvista Estate News click HERE for the BeCA Website's News & Events page.
Friday, September 17, 2010
To All Interested Bellvista Bikers!
Now taking expressions of interest in starting a Bellvista Motorcycle Club. This club would do occasional weekend rides and support local charities through small ride fees($5.00 max) and/or kilometre sponsorships. Any other ideas would be helpful too! Any interested parties can please reply by emailing
Friday, September 10, 2010
An Update, Ducks & Website!
The website also has some photos of signs recently erected seeking community comment of the Bellvista2 development.
Have you seen the latest family around the estate seen here enjoying the parklands near Lake Bellvista? Drivers need to be aware as this family has been seen tripping all over the place!
Friday, September 3, 2010
BeCA Website
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Dam Doctor Is At Work
The job should be completed early next week (by Tuesday Aug 11th weather permitting)
You can read more about this at the BeCA website, you can get to the relevant article by clicking HERE.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
BeCA Meets With Stockland
Your August Newsletter (The Bellvista Connector) has been printed and is now being distributed to our volunteer deliverers. So you should have it in the next week or so.
Much of the news in the Newsletter has been lifted directly from the website. However the Stockland Meeting information is so fresh it happened after the newsletter was printed!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Unity College Fete
Friday, July 23, 2010
Out For A Walk In The Sun
One resident remarked they saw some water fowl attacking one of the other cygnets while they were alive. So the usual suspects, the lake's eels may NOT have been responsible for the loss of so many young cygnets.
Visit the BeCA website for the latest news on how the new shopping centre is progressing. Click HERE to go to the News & Events page of the BeCA website.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Bellvista Shopping Village Update!
This is great news for our community!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
It Really Is In Healthy Condition.
Recently BeCA became alarmed at the condition of the lake. It was thought the red azolla algae would disappear with the onset of colder weather. Rather than looking better, the lake seems to be looking decidedly worse.
(Click on the photo for a larger view, then click "Back" to return to this page.)
BeCA contacted the SCRC’s Kate Mackenzie regarding this issue. Kate is a key member of the SCRC's Waterways Operations Team. She is BeCA's Council contact person for any issue relating to waterways on our estate.
After inspecting the lake she said:
“I think it (the algae) is likely being fuelled in part by the large number of birds that exist within this system which contribute faeces & other nutrients. This along with any other nutrients from the catchment will fuel blooms. The bird feeding has definitely settled down but I think more & more of these urban water bodies are being used opportunistically by birds...we have similar problem with quite a few of the constructed water bodies at present....along with an increase in algae. I was rather surprised how many birds this small system currently sustains...including Ibis. Generally the algae issue is with long detention times in most urban pond which doesn’t allow for a quick flushing & flow through of an accumulated nutrients. Unfortunately while these are features within our urban environments they are actually detention basins for flood mitigation & used as a fill source for the development.”
Kate will be invited to address the AGM meeting on September 6th. We all agree the lake doesn’t look very healthy right now, but in this case, looks can be deceiving.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Around The Estate
Remember to click on the photos for a larger view, then click "Back" to return to this page. Regretfully there now appears to be only one cygnet with the Black swan family on the lake.
Roadworks to widen the road at the intersection of Lomond Cres and Rawson drive at the site of the new Bellvista Shopping Village have now been completed. Sections supporting the roof are being put in place in the background of this photo (below).
Friday, July 2, 2010
Swan Family
This photo only shows two of them with mum and dad but we were told by a passer by he had seen 4 chicks.
The eels which live in the lake seem to be the biggest problem for these young guys growing up, reaching maturity and then flying away.
Click on the picture for a larger view, then click "Back" to return to this page.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Another Response To The Website Airport Forum Post.
Just thought we would send you some feedback on Aerodrome Forum.
We are reasonably in agreement with what is set out on this.
We have made some complaints to SC Airport & Air Services Australia over the last 3-4 months. Simple because we are fed up with the noise from these training helicopters. We've been here approx 8 Years and over the last 3 Years have coped a beating from these choppers. Prior to that, we had no reason to complain. When we built, we had all of the acoustic engineering done, as per council requirement, at a great extra cost. Our home is probably one of the most noise reduced homes in here.
BeCA forwarded the email on to representatives of the Caloundra Airport Management. Later this afternoon we received this response:
Thanks for your feedback on the latest Caloundra Community and Aviation forum, In response to your other comments regarding the issue of aircraft flying over residential areas, it is regrettable and I am apologetic if you are being affected by aircraft noise from Caloundra Airport.
Unfortunately aircraft will require flying over residential areas to approach and take off from that airport, and during training circuits, once they have gained flying height though, they should then move onto the training area away from the airport.
There are occasions when it is necessary for aircraft to remain over residential areas. As residential development has been allowed up to the boundary of the airport, on landing and take off, it will require close level flying to housing.
At the initial level of training, it is required for aircraft to do what is called circuits, this allows the student pilot to learn to land and take off, this requires the aircraft to stay in close to the airport, and when the wind dictates landing or taking off over residential developments.
I regret any inconvenience that you are experiencing, we have been in contact, and as you are aware are continuing to have industry meetings with the flying schools, and ensure they are adhering to our Aircraft Fly Neighbourly Policy, and I will continue to bring this matter up at our next Community and Aviation Forum.
If there is any further information you require regarding any of the information above, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Danny Eatock
Operations Manager
Sunshine Coast Airport
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Bellvista Shopping Village Update
Remember to click on the photos for a larger view then click back to return to this page.
You can also see more news and happenings going on around our estate at the BeCA website which can be found by clicking HERE. Most updated news appears under the "News & Events" tab.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Resident's Viewpoint On Caloundra Airport
BIGGER, NOISIER--------Most importantly, the community should be aware that if it remains, the aerodrome will not be the facility residents currently recognise. Once assured of tenure, existing lessees, as Mr. Kenny is on record as confirming, will expand their operations. More aircraft movements, more investment required by Council, more safety and noise issues, more residents and visitors adversely effected.
FINANCIAL IMPACT---------The result would be rapidly decreasing property values over ever-increasing areas of Caloundra and surrounds. These areas would then, like every other area with aircraft/helicopter facilities, become an unpopular destination for prospective home-buyers concerned with quality-of-life issues. Residential areas with airports/aerodromes inevitably become low socio-economic zones due to depreciating property values. The local real estate industry is on record as acknowledging the adverse impact retention and inevitable expansion of the aerodrome would have on property values of the numerous areas effected. Probably not generally appreciated are the potential financial implications for the Council. The aerodrome property, which is owned by the State Government, (estimated value $50,000,000) is potentially capable of generating around $1,000,000 per year in rate revenue plus MANY HUNDREDS of jobs. The Council is currently liable for all expenditure required to operate the aerodrome (for minimal financial return). The existing occupying businesses currently enjoy substantially lower costs compared to similar businesses at Council's Sunshine Coast Airport, where modern aircraft infrastructure already exists, giving them a commercial advantage they obviously wish to retain.
AIR MUSEUM----------There is no compelling reason why the museum cannot remain where it is. It desperately needs a massive injection of funds. With State and Federal governments reluctant, a well-resourced developer's involvement surely offers the best chance for it's future.
HEALTH IMPACT---------The "World Health Organisation Survey 2007 "linked excessive noise with stress-related strokes and heart attacks. "Schools Exposed To Aircraft Noise Are Not Healthy Education Environments. Noise Adversely Effects The Ability Of School-children To Learn,"stated the Lancet in 2005. The Queensland Environmental Protection Agency reported that 40% of Australians are disturbed and/or lose sleep because of unwanted noise at home. Also, we should ask ourselves, is the managing of an aerodrome a core activity of Council? Continually responding to the various issues such as complaints by residents and aerodrome leaseholders must divert Council resources from other community issues.
FUTURE VISION---------Surely most residents would agree that the Council should have a vision for the future development of the Sunshine Coast that will enhance the quality-of-life for ALL residents. More employment opportunities for school-leavers, provision of rail transport, MODERN retail/commercial infrastructure, are just some examples of what is needed. We should not let ourselves be distracted by short-term employment or other issues put forward by those who stand to benefit commercially. Council, not politicians and others with vested interests, is surely in the most informed position to make a decision in the best interests of the majority of residents.
QUESTION---------Finally, ask yourself this, "If an airport/aerodrome and associated helicopter activities are desirable, why is no other community clamoring to provide the current lessees with an alternative location?"
N.B: S.C.R.C.aircraft reporting line. Ph.5453 1501
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Airport Email
A meeting was held on the 30 April 2010 with the tenants of the Caloundra Airport.
At this meeting it was decided that the fly neighbourly policy is to be reviewed. This is currently being done by the Airport Operations Manager, Mr Danny Eatock.
As soon as it is finalised, I will forward a copy to you.
BeCA has emailed a response seeking the opportunity to have input into the reviewed "Fly Neighbourly" Policy.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Good For a Laugh
Drain To Be Replaced
The drain crosses the footpath which runs between the under construction Bellvista Shopping Village and the waterway.
BeCA has also requested "Slippery When Wet" signs be installed along this stretch of pathway. After heavy rain there is always seepage from the gardens and grass areas onto the path here making it slippery and a danger to walkers.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Airport Noise
Monday 26th April 2010 has been an absolute nightmare for us residents in Bellvista. Those helicopters have been flying constantly, low altitude and extremely noisy. I hope Council and CASA make a good decision of closing the aerodrome down, with the exception of the Museum which should stay in Caloundra. Fed up!
Yesterday did seem like we had a fair share of noisy helicopter activity over the estate. They did seem to be quite low and they appeared to outside what would have been expected to be "flight path" areas. A copy of the email has been forwarded on to our local Councillor.
Remember to call 5453 1501 to lodge 'official' complaints.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Lots Happening Around The Estate
If you go to this page there is a piece on the brown ugly looking stuff in Lake Bellvista right now. It is a natural phenomenon and will disappear as quickly as it came.
It is good to know that Council expects to clean Lake Bellvista sometime during the next seven days or so!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Public Meeting Monday April 19th
General Business allowed residents to raise their concerns over issues effecting the estate.
You can read up on all the happenings HERE
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Good Afternoon, I am hoping to engage the support of the Bell Vista Community for Unity College in the Learning Tools for Schools competition currently being run at Stockland Caloundra. We are hoping to win one of the major prizes which would be put towards IT equipment for our Early Years students. Currently we are coming second. Any support residents can offer us would be greatly appreciated. Quite simply all that we do is present any receipts from purchases to the customer care desk and request that the points be allocated to Unity. The receipt is then stamped and returned to the customer. Thank you for your time and anticipated support. Mrs Gina Sanders (Parent and Teacher)
Please do what you can
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
More In The Sunshine Coast Daily
This link will take you to the BeCA website page which has the latest article. Click HERE.
For all Bellvista's latest News and Events click HERE.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Airport Safety Concerns
You can download the text of all four articles HERE.
The article can be read at BeCA's website under the tab "News & Events" or just click HERE.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Airport Debate Hots Up
Firstly there was an article from the Councillor regarding the future of the Caloundra Airport. This was followed by an article from Grant Kenny who is an owner of a helicopter company established at the airport. Finally our own Bellvista Community Association President (pictured) waded into the discussion with his viewpoint.
You can download a pdf document (172 kb) containing the text from all three articles HERE.
We expect to get further resident feedback at the upcoming BeCA Public Meeting to be held at the Land Sales Office (beside Lake Bellvista) on Monday April 19th at 6:45 pm. All residents are welcome.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Caloundra Airport Article - Sunshine Coast Daily
Don't forget the next BeCA Meeting is a public meeting open to all Bellvista Residents. It will be conducted on Monday April 19th at 6:45 pm at the Land Sales Office at Lake Bellvista.
We look forward to as many residents as possible attending.
The BeCA Newsletter "Bellvista Connector" should be delivered to all homes by the end of this weekend.
More local news can be found at the News & Events page of the BeCA website which can be found at this link
Just click on the link to go to the BeCA website and then click on the News & Events tab.
Monday, March 29, 2010
April Newsletter
The next Public Meeting of BeCA is open to all residents and will be conducted in the Land sales Office at Lake Bellvista at 6:45 for a 7 pm start on Monday April 19th.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Report Aircraft Noise
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Bike Week
Calling all cyclists. Council’s TravelSmart team is hosting a range of great events and workshops to celebrate Bike Week from March 13 to 21.
There is something for all ages, from bike maintenance workshops and pathway awareness rides, to sessions helping children progress from training wheels to two wheels as well as how to correctly fit your bike helmet.
Local schools are also encouraged to get involved in a Ride to School Day on March 17.
Bike Week aims to:
- encourage and facilitate active participation in cycling
- raise awareness in the broader community of the benefits of cycling
- position cycling as a legitimate, active and healthy transport mode
The events are part of Queensland's Bike Week activities with funding from the Queensland Government and Bicycle Queensland. Several local bike shops have generously donated their time to conduct the bike maintenance workshops.
For bookings or more information visit the TravelSmart website. Meets With Councillor Grosskreutz
But you will need to go to the News and Events page of the BeCA website for all details. Click HERE to be redirected to the website.
The BeCA Management Committee has a temporary vacancy for another Committee Member. This temporary vacancy would last for about 5 months until the Annual General Meeting currently set down for September 6th 2010. If you are interested in becoming a member of the BeCA Committee contact BeCA Secretary Tony Mohr by clicking HERE or by phone on 0407546311.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
It Doesn’t Look Like An Underground Carpark!
More details regarding BeCA’s recent meeting with Stockland can be found on the News & Events pages of the Beca Website. You can get to the website HERE.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Shopping Centre Construction Underway: (16/2/2010)
The photo above shows excavation commencing for the construction for the new Shopping Complex in Rawson St. The excavation is for the underground carpark which will provide more parking spaces underground than above ground.
Sunshine Coast Regional Council has set strict road safety guidelines for the corner of Lomond Cres and Rawson Avenue. The corner is to be widened and the bikeway/footpath is to be extended to 2 metres wide.
The “Photo Gallery” at the BeCA Website will keep you updated on progress.
More Bellvista News can be found HERE.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Complex Building Powers On
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Revamped Newsletter
BeCA is also seeking a sponsor for the Newsletter so we can have it photocopied in color. Currently the Association’s resources do not allow us the cost of color photocopying. Contact the Secretary at the above link if you know of someone who may be able to help.
You can download your own copy of the February 2010 Newsletter HERE. It is a 1150kb pdf file. Right Click on the "HERE" and select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As". The newsletter will then be downloaded to your computer.
Traffic Bankup At Unity College Pick-up Time: (2/2/2010)
These photos were taken at 3 pm on Tuesday February 2nd at the roundabout connecting Bellvista Blvd and Dumbarton Drive. The photo above left shows traffic banked up from the roundabout heading north towards Caloundra Rd. The other photo above right shows the view looking south across the roundabout back towards the school.
Current school enrolment is just over 900 students. Unity College has been designed to accommodate 1400 students.
What if ……..
You needed to get to an important appointment in Caloundra.
There was a serious medical emergency and an ambulance wanted to get the patient up Bellvista Blvd to hospital.
There was a fire and Bellvista residents had been advised to evacuate the estate.
The answer is, hope it doesn’t happen between 2:30 and 3:30 pm on a school day!
Welcome To The New member Of The Family: (10/2/2010)
Visitors to Lake Bellvista have been delighted to see the Lake’s resident swan family has a new addition! This young addition has been spotted making itself at home under the careful eye of Mum and Dad! Some residents think there may have been more cygnets in this hatching but perhaps there were lost in the recent heavy downpour which may have caused the lake water level to rise and possibly wash some of this year’s brood away.