Friday, March 27, 2009

General Meeting

Several members at our last general meeting raised the issue of a sewage spill within Bellvista. The council erected signs around the lake to stay away from the water due to a spill. The signs remained for a week then disappeared. Since then we have not been informed as to When, where and how the spill occured, or what steps have been taken to prevent it happening again.

The general meeting moved that the committee write to the Council in an effort to clear the matter up. (nice pun)

Matt Inglis gave a presentation on Neighbourhood Watch. He explained what was required to progress to the next step.

Step 3 The Steering Committee

A steering committee is the name given to a group of people who share a common gaol, namely, implementing a NHW program in a particlar area.

The steering committee is made up of 15-20 community volunteers whose function is to petition the proposed area to gauge community support for the NHW program.

The above number of volunteers is in no way restricted. If you have more support, the easier the workload becomes. Conversely, if the number is less, then the greater is the workload.

The steering committee once formed is addressed by the DCPC who will outline the program, including members' tasks and responsibilities.

Owing to the heavy workload of the DCPC it will be necessary for you to book a steering committee lecture with the DCPC well in advance-at least three weeks. This meeting will be held at your residence or at some other convenient venue as arranged by you.

It is your responsibility to form the steering committee and it is important that all steering committee members are available to attend this lecture.

A special meeting will be arranged to form this steering committee.

General Meeting 23 March 2009

Cr Anna Grosskreutz was unable to attend our meeting whoever she did send us the following update on the Caloundra Airport;
  • There have been discussions with the Manager, Sunshine Coast Aerodrome around Community concerns of noise and amenity. A Caloundra Aerodrome Community Watch Group will be formed to assist in monitoring airport noise and concerns.
  • A new Fly Neighbourly Agreement is currently being prepared
  • Funding for new helipads for the Caloundra Airport will be submitted in the 2009/2010 Sunshine Coast Regional Council budget. New helipads will enable more options for take off and landing, thus reducing impact on surronding communities.

We thank Anna for her input and we will liaise with Anna's office on the best way BeCA can assist in this issue.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What came out of our last committee meeting

Unity College:
The college is happy for BeCA to use their facilities for meetings in the future, and we may have the assistance of students in the development of our web site. We are all looking forward to our new web site it will greatly assist in communication within our community.
It has been reported that the college is having problems installing the pedestrian crossing. If anyone can suggest where we go from here please contact BeCA so we may be able to assist where we can.

Neighbourhood Watch:
This will be placed on the agenda for the Community General Meeting to be held on the 23 March at the Stocklands sales office 6:45pm. We will need a whole new committee to run Neighbourhood so if you are at all interested please come along and have your say.

Naming of Parks within Bellvista:
This will also be placed on the agenda for the Community General Meeting so once again if you have any ideas please come along and put them forward.

Community General Meeting:
We will have our local council member Cr. Anna Grosskreutz at our meeting and hope to have the local State and Federal members there too (to be confirmed). Our guest speaker will be Marc Wilkinson, Project Director for Caloundra Downs. So please take the time and come along.
Once again the meeting is:
March 23
at 6:45pm
in the Stocklands Sales Office