Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas

The BeCA committee would like to wish all the residents of Bellvista and their families a very merry Christmas and all the best for the new year. We thank you all for your help through the year and look forward to working with you in the new year.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Water Restrictions

As you may be aware we are now in a period of water restrictions. Please find below the link to the SCRC requirements during the restricted period: If we can be of any further assistance please contact this site.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December Public Meeting, December 5th 2009:

The report below was taken from the News and Events section of the Bellvista Community Association website. The site can be visited at:

A small but active group met at the main Bellvista Lake rotunda for a Christmas Public meeting. The onset of Christmas and associated events meant the number of Committee Members and residents was down on previous gatherings.

There were brief reports on The Web Page, The Airport Forum and a Landscaping Sub Committee update. The Airport Forum has produced a process where Bellvista Residents will be able to voice concerns of inappropriate aircraft behaviour over our estate directly to Airport Management. Look out for this when the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting are posted here.

The Landscaping Committee reported the Lake had been cleaned again, the Do Not Feed signs were in place and steps were in place to address graffiti in the main park area.

Our Councillor has recently had treatment on an eye so her work for the BeCA was currently on hold.

The meeting was then opened for residents to raise concerns:

1. The playground equipment in the park on the corner of Nebo Street and Northbrook Street is not suitable for under 5’s. This park is popular with local residents with the BBQ area there frequently used, However the installed playground equipment seems to be for children above 5 years of age.

2. There is a need for a Keep Clear area on Bellvista Blvd where it intersects with Bellcara Place. At Unity College pick times it is extremely difficult for residents to make a right hand turn from Bellcara Place into Bellvista Blvd as traffic can be backed up down from the roundabout at Caloundra Rd.

3. A Fund Raising Monster Garage Sale was suggested. Details will be passed on to the Secretary.

These issues will be placed on the agenda for the next BeCA Committee Mtg early 2010.

The Chairperson wished all residents the best for the new season and closed the meeting.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

This hefty looking machine recently was put to work in clearing some unwanted growth from the lower Bellvista Lake. A closer inspection of the top lake showed it was fine and that no clearing was required. BeCA spoke with an SCRC representative onsite who reported she was very happy with the condition of the lake.

She went on to say that it appears residents are taking note of the No Feeding signs now around the lake as the number of birds has not increased and birds no longer follow or swim up to people as they approach the water. She seemed extremely pleased with the community response on this issue.

Bellvista Shopping Complex

We have received news from Mal Pratt & Associates that they have leased a Pharmacy, family medical centre and bakery cafe. They also have an appointment next week with a hairdresser.

Power has been connected to the site in anticipation of commencement of the project.

A community Notice board has been incorporated in the project.

Julie Frasa on behalf of Mal Pratt & Associates wished all of Bellvista a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Friday, November 27, 2009

New sign on our lake

As posted earlier this year the SCRC as asked us not to feed the bird-life on the lake. Lets hope we all take note.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sewerage Upgrade

Work is about to start on a sewerage upgrade in Huntley Place. This upgrade will connect that part of the sewerage system to a pumping station on the other side of Bellvista Boulevard and then through to the main station.

This will hopefully assist if and when we have another rain storm similar to the one we had earlier this year when some storm water made its way into the sewerage system. The work will take at least a week or two and road closures are expected to be minimal .

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Why can't our gardens look as good as Bellvista's"?

That has got to be the quote of the week " Why can't our gardens look as good as Bellvista's?" This quote was mentioned to our Landscaping Sub Committee chairperson Paul Harrison (seen here chatting) from one of the Council workers. It originally came from a meeting between the Pelican Waters Residents Association and the SCRC. We all agree, the council is doing a great job considering the lack of rain. There is still a bit to go but we are getting there.

Don't trash it!

That’s the message during National Recycling Week, 7 – 14 November.

To help spread the word, council is hosting a series of monthly recycling workshops as well as tours across the Coast.

Over the coming months, council is holding 12 free workshops with demonstrations on how to recycle organic waste using a worm farm or compost bin.

So come along and have all your questions answered—you’ll even get the chance to win one for yourself.

The first workshop is at the Beerwah resource and recovery centre on 7 November. To book into a session near you, call council’s customer service centre on 5475 7272.

But the recycling fun doesn’t end there!

On 14 November, take a bus tour of your local resource and recovery centre and discover what happens to the contents of your bin once it leaves your house—you’ll be amazed at what people throw away and hopefully also learn something new.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Recent Committee Meeting

The BeCA Committee met on Monday November 3rd.

A summary of what happened can be found HERE at the new BeCA website.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Official web site up and running

Thanks to a lot of work from our web site sub-committee we are pleased to announce that our official web site has now been commissioned. Les Thomas has spent the last few days fine tuning and updating the site, a special thanks to Les for the long hours behind the computer.
The site may be found here . Please have a look at the site and send us your feedback.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Safer Roundabouts.

As seen above the council has removed the trees and shrubs from the roundabouts in Bellvista. This will improve vision and with the lawn will assist in the overall maintenance of the area.
No standing signs have also been place around the school so please use the ample parking that is now available within the school grounds.

Reports from the school say the new crossing is working well. A big thank you to all involved in running the crossing.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Clearing the Drain

The SCRC has started work clearing the drain running by Dumbarton Drive. This will assist in allowing the storm water to flow away quickly. Thanks again for the quick response by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council (SCRC) maintenance team.

Table in the Park Replaced

Thanks to quick action by SCRC the table, which was damaged by vandals, has been replaced. This table is of a stronger construction so if the small minded wish to continue their attack they will need to work at it. Some how I don't think they (the small minded) know the meaning of work.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Unity College School Crossing volunteer parents went through their final 'on the job' training today Oct 13th. The 'Children Crossing' flags were out and the lollypop "Stop" sign was in action.

Volunteers were shown the procedures they were to follow to ensure children were able to safely cross Lomond Cres. This service will become even more appreciated by Bellvista parents when the new shopping complex is in operation further along Lomond Cres in mid 2010.

Thanks to all the volunteers, without you this valuable service would not be possible.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Staff Carpark at Unity College

The new "staff car park" at Unity College is now open. This should help with parking around the school at drop off and pick up times. Please do not used this car park as a drop off point, use the main car park, which will now have more room, for this purpose.

More Work in Dumbarton Drive

The council is well on the way of removing the unsightly growth in Dumbarton Drive. It will be replaced with mulch and in time a more durable ground cover. When this work is finished is should make the roundabouts at both ends Dumbarton Drive safer.

The broken table in the BBQ area in the main park has been removed and will be replaced when another one is available. If you know anything about the vandalism which occurred here please contact BeCA and help us stop this type of behavior.

Committee Meeting Held 5th Oct 09

For the minutes of the last committee meeting held on the 5th Oct.09 please click HERE

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Health of our lake

The following advice has been received from the SCRC:

Living around lakes

Sunshine Coast Council has received a number of reports relating to activities of concern around the Bellvista lakes, and would like to offer the following advice.

If you notice anyone disturbing wildlife on the lakes, please contact council on 5475 7272. Reports of children throwing rocks at swans and other wildlife on the lakes are of great concern and under the Nature Conservation Act is considered an offence.

Please refrain from feeding birds. This simple act of apparent kindness creates a number of problems as birds may be fed multiple times each day. Human intervention of this nature can cause an increase in the lakes nutrients, aggressive bird behaviour and a reduction in the bird’s natural resistance as well as encouraging over population of certain species.

Educational signage with these messages will be installed in the coming months.

Fishing, while not prohibited, is not encouraged in any council managed lakes. Discarded fishing line and hooks can cause danger to birds and other animals in the area.

If you have any concerns about the lakes or require more information please contact Councils Customer Service Centre to speak to the Lakes & Wetlands Technical Officer- Kate Mackenzie

Vandalism in our Park

This is blatant Vandalism

This happened some time last night and is not wanted in our community. Did you see anyone hanging around the BBQ area in our main park in Bellvista. Someone must have seen this happen or know something about it. If you do please ring Caloundra Police on 5439 4444 and report the matter or contact BeCA for a confidential report and we will take the matter further.
Your help is required to stop this criminal act.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Health of our lake

Are we loving Lake Bellvista to death? There is a evidence that the residents of Bellvista just love their lake too much. In fact, if current practices continue, the lake could become an environmental disaster being heavily polluted and over populated by birds. The numbers of birds living on the lake are driving it to extinction. One island used for nesting is already overcrowded causing other birds to nest on, and in turn, overcrowd other islands. What can we as residents of Bellvista do to help?

It is easy!

Stop feeding the local wildlife at the lake! Birds and other wildlife are attracted to the lake by the bountiful supply of food, some of which is supplied by residents. If residents stop feeding the birds, not as many birds will come to the lake and it won't become overcrowded. Overcrowding of the lake will inevitably lead to pollution problems. Signage will be erected shortly to fully inform all lake visitors on appropriate behaviour to maintain this glorious spot.

We all need to be vigilant and ensure the wildlife at the lake can survive comfortably. Broken fishing lines left by unthinking anglers are a major cause of death to birds when ingested.

BeCA Landscape Sub Committee report

Paul Harrison, spokesperson for the BeCA Landscape Sub Committee, reports the Sub Committee has officially requested the irrigation pipes washed into Lake Bellvista be removed by SCRC Parks. The Sub Committee has also received word that the waterway from the footbridge before Huntley Place along to Bellvista Blvd will be cleaned out by mid October. This is the direct result of several snakes being reported in the Gated Community Complex in Lindsey Street.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New trees in the park

The SCRC have been hard at work planting more suitable trees in the park. The original trees were not doing well at all and we hope the new plantings will do a lot better. This will be the policy around the whole of Bellvista. We will have more news on a work day and BBQ to be held in the main park, we hope to have one before Christmas so it will look at its best for the visitors we have around that time.


We hope to have photos and news from the recent AGM in the next few days. Minutes from both the AGM and the General meeting will be available in a day or so, I am sorry for the delay I have been away.

How they have grown

Just a quick update on the Swans at the lake, as you can see they are doing well and able to fend for themselves.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Caloundra Airport Forum

The Caloundra Airport Forum was held recently and our Association was repesented by Bern Johnson, thank you Bern.

You may view the minutes of the meeting by clicking here

You may view the presentation to the meeting by clicking here (This one my take a little time)

You may view the terms of reference by clicking here

Newsletter for August.

Hi all,

Please find following a link to the August Newsletter if by chance you never received one:

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Committee Meeting held 3 Aug 09

The following are points from the last committee meeting:
Jean Harris was accepted as a new member of BeCA, welcome Jean.

Our Landscaping sub-committee will be meeting with the SCRC to discuss the landscaping situation within Bellvista. We are a bit disturbed about the amount of gardens being pulled out in the name of cost cutting. The following is a letter sent to Anna Grosskreutz on our behalf:

Dear Anna and Chris

Our three community associations - Kawana Island Residents’ Association (KIRA), Kawana Forest Residents’ Association (KaFRA) and Bellvista Community Association (BeCA) met recently to explore our common ground around landscaping and amenity in each of our communities.

As Stockland projects that have been handed over to Council in recent years, we continue to be concerned about the sustainability of our landscape and open spaces. It is generally accepted that the standard of landscaping approved by Council and applied by the developer, is not within the realms of the standard budget of Council’s maintenance services.

KIRA has had the most long-running discussions with Council. While gains have been made in terms of opening up dialogue, to date much relies on individual relationships rather than relationships built on some basic structures and protocols.

Individual committee members within KaFRA have developed linkages with operational staff in relation to landscaping. Progress and creativity are stymied due to the level of the relationship and the limitations of budget and formal process.

The community at Bellvista is on the cusp of realising the impacts of the changes in service levels.

Collectively, our focus is on keeping our communities clean and tidy - amenity that fosters lots of use, passive crime prevention and community pride. Clean and tidy parks with weed free grass, and key lawn areas that are routinely mowed are our priorities.

The creation of highly liveable communities is effected by the presentation of our key areas.

We see that there are some very clear opportunities that could foster positive relationships between our communities and Council to produce great, sustainable outcomes.

Also, there has been a degree of confusion as to Council’s intent in relation to the provision of community facilities in each of our communities. Council staff have indicated that the provision of facilities in both Kawana Island and Kawana Forest are priority issues. Following on that, our individual organisation inquiries have not resulted in any clarity. Bellvista is very unsure of the future facility that may emerge from the existing Stockland Sales Office.

Chris and Anna, as our issues are shared and collectively we represent the interests of 4000+ households in the community, we would like the opportunity to meet with you both to explore the issue of sustainable landscape and amenity outcomes for our communities. We are particularly focussed on developing solutions and working together to establish productive working relationships between our organisations and the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.

Organising diaries may take a little juggling! Can you please suggest 2 or 3 alternatives that are agreeable to yourselves and we will seek to co-ordinate ourselves to work in with one of those. We’d envisage that from each of our organisations we’ll aim to bring the Chairperson and Landscape Sub-Committee representative to the table. This will keep the meeting to a reasonable size and allow us to have an informed discussion.

We look forward to meeting with you soon


John Edds Michael Walsh Phil Williams


We hope you all agree with the above.

Bern Johnson will be representing BeCA at the Aviation forum on Wednesday 12 Aug 09. We will publish the results as they come to hand.

Don't forget the AGM on Monday the 7 Sep 09 at the Stocklands Sales Office.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"School Crossing" Can we help the school?

The following is an extract from the newsletter form Unity College:
"As mentioned in last week's newsletter we are seeking expressions of interest for
school crossing volunteers. We still need at least 5 volunteers for school crossing
supervisors to be able to get a crossing approved by Qld Transport. A big thank
you to the 2 mums who have volunteered. If you are able to assist, please call
Peter Baxter on Ph: 5430 2871 or email
Remember the Trivia Night is scheduled for Friday, 4th September commencing
at 7.00pm. Please see the attached registration form for further information. If
you are able to donate any prizes for the Trivia Night or Christmas Raffle please
contact Mrs Leanne Smyth on Ph: 0418 928 067.
Fun Run update - prizes have been ordered and should be here soon, thank you
for your patience.
Next P&F Meeting is on Monday, 10th August at 7.00 pm.
Mr Glen Smyth - Secretary P&F"

If you can assist with the school crossing please contact Peter and make it a community effort.

The other items could be of interest to you as well. Let us all get behind the College and make a difference.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New life in the Park

Take a slow walk around the lake and enjoy the new life. Their first nest was washed away by the storms around Easter but all looks well now. There was five but one has been lost. We all hope the four young ones make it through.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bellvista Shopping Centre

This sign appeared recently calling for leases for the new shopping complex on the corner of Lomond Crescent and Rawson St here on the Bellvista Estate. We can only assume the liquor licence has been obtained for the proposed Tavern too.
There is gossip going around the town that the IGA and Service Station on the corner of Caloundra Rd and Latcham Rd has been sold and will become a BP Service Station and a Fast Food outlet. So news of the new development here on our estate is timely as many residents use the local IGA for emergency and incidental shopping supplies.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Community and Aviation Forum

Bellvista Community Association had been invited to join the Community and Aviation Industry Forum by the Sunshine Coast Airport General Manager Peter Pallot. The purpose of the forum is to:
  • Enhance co-operation and understanding between the airport community and general community by providing a forum for dissemination of information

  • Residential amenity issues

  • Information exchanges

  • Business and development opportunities.

Other community groups attending:

  • Halycon Park Residents

  • Golden Beach Progress Association

  • Parklands Community Group

  • Caloundra City Ratepayers and Residents Association

  • Sunshine Coast Enterprise

There will be representatives from the Aviation Industry, Airport Management and Local Government.

Minutes of this meeting will be posted on this blog.

Our draft response to the Caloundra South Paper

Here is our draft response to the Caloundra South Paper:
To whom it may concern

We are writing to Council today on behalf of the Bellvista Community Association inc (BeCA) to provide feedback with regards to Sunshine Coast Regional Council's Caloundra South Position Paper.

Part of our objectives as a Community Association is to listen to our members and provide a cohesive voice to represent the aspirations, needs and issues of our unique community in a non-partisan manner and to maintain a strong, independent voice to lobby, liaise and advocate for the Bellvista community’s interests with all levels of government.

As a community we are generally supportive of the overall outcomes proposed for Caloundra South. The possibility of a district activity centre with up to 12,000m² of retail and commercial uses (similar to Currumndi Market Place) within a short drive is something we are looking forward to as we believe it will complement our community nicely.

We are concerned with the timing of the duplication of Bellvista Boulevard and would like to see this completed prior to any further development which may increase traffic in and out of the estate. The two main reasons for duplication are:

1.We believe that by 2010, Unity College will have 1200 students. 75% of these children will come from outside our estate. Bellvista has only one access road so the traffic at school busy times is a problem. This is complicated by the roundabout onto Caloundra Road not operating as planned. With heavy transport coming in and out of the estate to develop any new release of lots and the traffic during school drop off and pick up times, we see it as imperative that Bellvista Boulevard is duplicated as a matter of priority;

2.Currently, as Bellvista only has one way in and out, the risk of emergency services being denied access to the estate as a result of an accident along Bellvista Boulevard is real and increasing. The consequences of this if someone is in urgent need of medical attention could be fatal. Our retired community in particular sees this as a real problem not just something which may happen someday.

We would like to thank Council for meeting with BeCA representatives' to brief us on the position paper and look forward to providing any further community input which may arise in the future.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Information Site

New Information Site
For thoes of you who used to follow the "Information Service" blog, please note it is no longer in use. The SCRC now use a web site called " Whats happening, Try this site, it is full on information.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Community Grants

Community groups and individuals interested in applying for funding under Sunshine Coast Regional Council’s Grants Program or the Regional Arts Development Fund can attend both free information sessions and application clinics beginning in August.

Council’s Grants Program provides a range of grants to community groups and individuals for various programs, projects and events.

Additional arts development funding is available to locals through RADF – a partnership between council and the Queensland Government to support the development of quality arts and arts practice in the region.

Council is running a series of free information sessions on both programs from 4 to 13 August at Landsborough, Cooroy, Nambour, Noosa, Kenilworth and Kawana, at which community groups and individuals can find out all about the programs.

In addition, grant application clinics will be held at Nambour, Noosa and Caloundra from 24 August to 2 September. Potential applicants can give themselves the best chance of success by making a booking to meet with a council grants officer and work through their application.

The next funding round for both programs closes on 15 September 2009.

The previous round of council’s Grants Program provided funding for 86 projects around the region.

For more information visit the “For Residents” section on council’s website at or call 5475 7272.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Is this really for Safety?

As seen by the photo above the Council have started pulling out our gardens and replacing them with mulch. They say it's a safety issue, but why has it become a safety issue only now when the council have taken over the maintenance for Bellvista. Is this to become the norm? Is this going to happen all around Bellvista as a cost cutting measure? Do we want the gardens or are we happy with the mulch.

Here is some of the text from the letter we received from the Council: "The reasoning behind this is removing the understorey planting will promote a healthier street tree as there is less competition for water and nutrients. Also being a growth area we will start seeing more pedestrian traffic so this will allow for better site lines for both vehicles and pedestrians as well complying with the MUTCD and creating a safer work environment for our staff, and in my opinion a better aesthetic appeaI."

Is this is an issue with you, contact us and join the "Landscaping Sub-committee" and help us make our point with the Council. Or send Cr. Grossskreutz an email and let her know your opinion:
If you wish to join our landscaping sub-committee email me on

School staff car park

Construction is well underway for the new Staff Car Park at Unity College. With an expected enrolment of 1200 students, any addition to the available parking is very welcome.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Time to act

In 2010, Unity College will have 1200 students. 75% of these children will come from outside our estate. Bellvista has only one access road so the traffic at school busy times is a problem. This is complicated by the roundabout onto Caloundra Road not operating as planned. Stockland has plans to develop 500 homesites on the other side of this roundabout. With heavy transport coming in and out of the estate to develop the new release and the traffic during school drop off and pick up times, BeCA will be arguing for the road in to be duplicated before the new development begins.
Cr. Grosskreutz and Ron Piper will be at our AGM on the 7th. September. We will need all your support at the meeting to show the SCRC we mean business when we say "Bellvista Bvd. must be duplicated before any further construction takes place in or around Bellvista".

Thursday, July 16, 2009

AGM Monday 7th September 09

At the AGM coming up in September all positions on the committee will be up for election. If you would like to nominate for a position you are required to submit a nomination form to the Secretary 14 days prior the meeting. Nominations close 7:00 pm Monday the 24th. August 09.
You may obtain your nomination form HERE

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bus stop seating

I have just received news from SCRC that they are going to place some seating at the bus stop near the retirement village. It has been approved and will be added to the capital works program for this year.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ron Piper to address AGM

Good news, I have just received a letter from Ron Piper accepting our invitation to address our AGM. Ron is the Project Director- Urban Development for the SCRC. he will bring us all up to date on the Caloundra South project.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Web Site

Our new web site is just about finished and should be commissioned in a week or two. Our only interim site you may view at the moment is:
Please take a bit of time to visit the site and give us a bit of feed back,as it will be easier to change things now, if required. please send comments to:
Have fun.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Caloundra South Position Paper

  • Caloundra South Proposal

    BeCa was invited to attend a briefing at the Caloundra Council Offices on the “Caloundra South” proposal.

    The meeting was attended by 6 people, 3 SCRC representatives, 2 from BeCA and one from Golden Beach Progress Association.

    Here is the link to the Sunshine Coast regional Council page on the Caloundra South Proposal:

    Copies of the Caloundra South Position Paper and maps can be downloaded from the links below:

    These maps (downloaded from the above links) show the area for development, the flood levels, the environmentally sensitive areas and the proposed development areas. There is also a lengthy 'Fact Sheet" and a feedback form. During the briefing some time was spent going through the flood and environmental maps. Flood and environmental concerns means 40% of the proposed area is unsuitable for development.

    It will be completed by 2050.

    cal_sthmap2_1.pdf (above) shows the plan for 2050. This development is planned to accommodate a further 50,000 people, the size of the previous Noosa Council area. Note its proximity to Industrial areas (seen more clearly on the downloadable maps). It is expected that the industrial areas and the shopping complexes will provide employment for 10,000 people.

    The new town centres are shown as blue circles. The town centre to the south of Bellvista (the smaller light blue circle) would be a shopping area similar in size to Currimundi Markets. The larger dark blue circle would be a major shopping centre. The blue line represents the proposed rail link. Two major roads will connect Nicklin Way (south of the proposed rail line) and the new road (Sunshine Coast Motorway) at the roundabout near Corbould Park race course.

    There will be a link road between Bellvista and the smaller shopping complex to the south. However this road is designed as a connection road, not a thoroughfare for traffic heading to Brisbane from the Sunshine Coast.

    We raised the concerns our community has of Bellvista Blvd and construction traffic when the two new areas are to be developed. Duplication was seen by us as a 'must do'. SCRC informed us there will be a traffic count trigger point when this would happen. Our concern was resident safety prior to the trigger points being reached. The traffic problems created between the school traffic as well as construction vehicles using Bellvista Blvd between the hours of school arrival and dismissal times was mentioned.

    The SCRC mentioned that the roundabout (Bellvista Blvd and Caloundra Rd) would need to be reconfigured sometime as it was not working effectively.

    One of the SCRC representatives there was Ron Piper, a former Lensworth employee. When talking about the future of the Land Sales Office it was his impression that the building was to be handed over to the then Caloundra Council as a part of negotiations between Lensworth and the Council. He was quite surprised to hear it was still the subject of negotiation.
  • Our Next General Meeting
    All local residents are invited to attend this General Meeting!
    Our next General meeting will be held on Monday September 7th at 7 pm at the the Land Sales Office. This meeting will be the Annual General meeting where all Committee positions will be declared vacant and an election will occur for the next 12 months. All are welcome, you may join the Association on the evening. Come and have your say on matters that affect our community and meet with other residents. Further information will be available from the Secretary Email or Phone 0407546311. Nomination forms are available here or from the secretary for Committee Membership. Keep your eye on the BLOG for nomination forms.
  • Election Of Committee Members
    All local residents are invited to attend this General Meeting!

    (1) A member of the management committee may only be elected as follows -

    (a) any 2 members of the association may nominate another member (the candidate) to serve as a

    member of the management committee;

    (b) the nomination must be -

    (1) in writing: and

    (ii) signed by the candidate and the members who nominated him or her; and

    (iii) given to the secretary at least 14 days before the annual general meeting at which the

    election is to be held;

    (c) each member of the association present and eligible to vote at the annual general meeting may

    vote for 1 candidate for each vacant position on the management committee;

    (d) if, at the start of the meeting, there are not enough candidates nominated, nominations may be

    taken from the floor of the meeting.

    (2) A person may be a candidate only if the person -

    (a) is an adult; and

    (b) is not ineligible to be elected as a member under section 61A of the Act.

    (3) A list of the candidates names in alphabetical order, with the names of the members who nominated

    each candidate, must be posted in a conspicuous place in the office or usual place of meeting of the

    association for at least 7 days immediately preceding the annual general meeting.

    (4) If required by the management committee, balloting lists must be prepared containing the names of

    the candidates in alphabetical order.

    (5) The management committee must ensure that, before a candidate is elected as a member of the

    management committee, the candidate is advised -

    (a) whether or not the association has public liability insurance; and

    (b) if the association has public liability insurance - the amount of the insurance.

  • Landscaping Sub-Committee
    As areas of our Estate are handed over to SCRC for maintenance, BeCA needs to ensure Bellvista remains well maintained!
    The landscaping sub-committee will be elected at the next general meeting on June 13th. If you have an interest in this issue please come and join, we will have more information on this at the General Meeting..
  • Naming Local Parks
    Our Local Parks Don't Have Official Names!
    This will be finalized at the General Meeting on June 13th.
  • Future of Stocklands Sales Office:
    The former Land Sales Office would be a wonderful asset for this Estate!
    At the first BeCA general meeting Cr Anna Grosskreutz said she was in discussions with Stocklands on this issue. It was decided to write to Anna to see what has developed since that meeting.
  • Where To Next For Bellvista?
    Exit roads, further development....
    Stockland's Marc Wilkinson (Project Director for Caloundra Downs) will be discussing plans for the future development in our area by Stockland with BeCA representatives shortly. The BeCA blog page will carry the latest news on this soon after it has happened. This meeting has now been postponed until a mutually convenient time can be arranged.
  • SCRC News
    Council's latest
    BeCA invites the Local Councillor Anna Grosskreutz to address each Public Meeting. If unavailable, Anna supplies a written report.
  • BeCA Newsletter
    Delivered Up To 8 Times Per Year
    The next BeCA Newsletter should arrive in your letterbox in August. Watch out for it and then visit BeCA's Blog Page for all the latest news! Download the latest newsletter Bellvista Connector (June) here.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Web site well on the way

I have been informed by Les Thomas that our web site has been populated and is new ready for commission. Please take the opportunity to visit the trial site and make comments through this medium if you wish. The link is below:

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

General meeting held on Saturday 13th. June

Firstly we wish to thank all on the people who took the time to join us on Saturday for the General Meeting and sausage sizzle. We also welcome our new members:
Milton and Laureen Drake
Bill and Meryl Pearce
Fred Pereira and
Michael and Lindsey Emmott
thank you for joining us and we hope you will contribute, if and when you find the time.

We had 28 people attend our meeting, which is great for a Saturday morning. Our sausage sizzle was cooked by the ladies, which is a bit of a change for an Australian BBQ. Talking to the men after it was agreed the ladies all passed the BBQ test and are invited to do the same next time.

From the Meeting

Neighbourhood Watch
It was agreed by the meeting that the committee should call a community meeting to discuss the whole issue and to elect a steering committee. Tony Mohr will raise the issue with Mark McArdle at their meeting and arrange for Marks office to print the broaches required.

Naming of Parks
The meeting agreed to start the procedure required to name the main Park in Bellvista. When that is successful we will proceed to name the remaining parks.

Landscaping sub-committee
After some discussion it was agreed the Association needs a landscaping sup-committee to meet with other organisations and the SCRC in an effort to maintain Bellvista in the manner we have become accustomed. Colin Murphy is the chair of the sub-committee and will report back in due course.

Sewage problem
This issue was discussed at length and the members were happy that the council had at long last agreed with residents that there was a problem. After some work and repairs to the system by the SCRC it was also agreed there has been a great improvement. Residents were encouraged to report any failures direct to the SCRC using the "Request for Service" system on the Council web site. See below:
Click on "Contact Council" then click on "Request for Service"

Web Site
It was reported to the meeting that the web site will soon be up and running. Les Thomas will be looking after the site, so if you have any ideas please contact Les and discuss the matter with him. If you wish to see what the site looks like just click on the link below

Retail complex
The only news on this issue was from Dale Massie who reported that a community impact statement was in the process on being completed, and he would report back to our association when he has any further news.

Seat at bus stop
Viv Murphy raised the issue of a seat at the bus stop near 31 O'Reilly Dr. It was stated that some of our elderly residents use the stop and a seat there was required. Tony Mohr will approach Anna Grosskreutz and start the process to gain the seat.

Our next General Meeting will be in fact our first Annual General Meeting, this will be on Monday the 7th September. Time and venue will be published later in our Newsletter. The AGM is your chance to have your say and if you wish stand for any position on the committee. If you wish to stand for any position just contact the Secretary (Tony Mohr) and he will forward you the necessary paperwork.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

General Meeting

Hi all, the time for the general meeting stated in an earlier blog was 11:30. This was wrong the time is 11:00 am. Sorry about that. We hope to see you all there.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

General Meeting

A big thanks to Paul and Linda Harrison of "Bags n' Beads", they have decided to sponsor our sausage sizzle after the general meeting on Saturday. Thank you Paul and Linda. Bags N' Beads can be found each Sunday at the Caloundra Markets in Bullbock St. Next time you are at the markets pop in and say g'day and have a look at their fine range of products.

Friday, June 5, 2009

General Meeting

Just a reminder to all about our general meeting to be held on Saturday 13th. June in the main lake park in Bellviata at about 11:30 am. Following the meeting we will be holding a family sausage sizzle. If it is raining we will hold the meeting in the sales office.

Please bring your own folding chair and any drink you will require. We hope to be able to use the toilets in the sales office for the day.

Come and meet up with your neighbours and have a bit of a chat and let the kids have a run around on the park.

We hope to see you all there

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Committee meeting 1 June 09

Our committee meeting started with the resignation of Roger Tedmanson. Roger is off on a around Australian holiday and thought it in the best interest of the Association to resign now so we are able to bring in a new committee member to carry on his fine work. Roger has been working hard over the last few weeks to get our web site up and running. We wish Roger and his wife all the best for their trip and hope to see them back safe and sound in the near future.

Under our constitutions rule 21(1) we were able to elect Les Thomas onto our committee. As an ex school principal Les brings a wealth of knowledge to our Association. Les has been working with Roger on the web site and will take over as web coordinator. We all look forward to working with Les.

Our newsletter will be delivered on the weekend 6&7 June, please read it and we welcome any feed back you may be able to offer.

As stated above, our web site is just about complete. The home page may be view on the following link over the next week or so it will be populated and be brought on line. Les Thomas will give us all a report on it's future at our general meeting 13th. June 09.

The general meeting on Saturday 13th. June will be a 11:30 start followed by a family BBQ at the main lake park in Bellvista. If it's raining we will revert to the sales office. We look forward to seeing you all there. The following points will be discussed at the meeting:
  • Neighbour Watch
  • Naming of parks in Bellvista
  • Landscaping sub-committee
  • Sewage overflow problems
  • Web site
  • Update on retail complex
  • Plus any other topics from the floor.

Don't forget you may contact our Secretary Tony Mohr if you wish to place anything on the agenda for the general meeting. His contact details are:

Phone 0407 546 311 or

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

From the Committee meeting

General Meeting:
Our next General meeting will be held on Saturday 13th. June. We will be combining this meeting with a Barbecue family day. In this way we hope to have more of our residents attend. All are welcome, you may join the Association on the day. Come and have your say on matters that affect our community and meet with other residents. If you are going to attend please let the Secretary know on:
Phone.... 0407546311

Naming of Parks:
It was decided to place this on the agenda for the General Meeting for discussion.

The next newsletter will be delivered of the weekend of the 30-31 of may.

Landscaping sub-committee:
The landscaping sub-committee will be elected at the next general meeting. If you have an interest in this issue please come and join, we will have more information on this at the General Meeting.

Future of Stocklands Sales Office:
At our first general meeting Cr Anna Grosskreutz said she was in discussions with Stocklands of this issue. It was decided to write to Anna to see what has developed since that meeting.

The next committee meeting will be held on the 1 Jun 09

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

National Palliative Care Week 2009

Sunshine Coast-Wide Bay health Service District
Specialist Palliative Care Service


A community engagement initiative celebrating
National Palliative Care week 2009

Why is it difficult to talk about death? Do we live in a death denying society? Do you have a will? Why do we plan for other aspects of our lives-having a baby, holidays.and finances- but not for death?

The SCWBHSD presents a FREE seminar themed "If only I knew....finding answers to questions that help us live and die the best we can".

The seminar will include a session on communication skills and difficult conversations, end of life care planning and grief and loss.

Where: Sunshine Coast Function Centre, West Tce, Caloundra
When: Wednesday 27th. May 2009
Time: 9am-12.45 (registrations from 8.30am)

Numbers are strictly limited and bookings are essential. To register your attendance contact 07 5470 5333

For further information please contact:
Fran Brewster Nurse Unit Manager SCWBHSD Palliative Care Service on 07 5470 5333

Proudly supported by Caloundra RSL

" We aim to provide specialist palliative care through ongoing consultation and education to people living with life limiting illness, their family and care providers in a supportive environment"

Friday, May 8, 2009

Nature at work in Bellvista

Take a walk around the lake in Bellvista and you will notice nature in full action. A pair of black swans have decided to set up house in our lake. It will not be long before our population is increased some what. I am sure our young ones will be over joyed to see such new life. But please, not to close, let nature take it's course they will not require assistance. Click the photo for a full screen view.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meeting with Mark McArdle

Our association will be meeting with the State Member for Caloundra Mark McArdle in the near future to discuss, among other things the following topics:

  • Retail development

  • Road access

  • Pedestrian crossing at Unity College

  • Development at Caloundra Downs and

  • Airport noise.

We will keep you informed on developments as they come to hand

Sewage problem

We have been informed by council that several changes have been made to the sewage system since the heavy rainfall we received in Bellvista in recent times. However, they did say that more storm water then they expected in running through the system and they were going to run some dye and smoke tests to find the problem areas. It seems that some people have swimming pools and other items linked into the system that should not be there. Be warned.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Shane Stewart Memorial Fishing Competition

Hosted by the Caloundra Coast Guard.This is the 10th year of the competition with special prizes for offshore and estuary. The major 1st prize for snapper is $1000.00 The major prize in the Random Draw is a Quintrex 400 Dart with Bimini and a Mercury 25hp outboard on a trailer. Safety Gear and regstration is included.
The Major Prize is a joint sponsorship by Sunshine Coast Marine Centre and Caloundra Coast Guard.All funds raised go to the Caloundra Coast Guard to maintain vessels and assist with operational costs.
WHEN: Saturday 6th June & Sunday 7th June 2009
TIME: Registration 4.00pm - 7.00pm Friday 5th June and 8.30am - 10.00am Saturday 6th June, Weigh-in 2.00pm - 5.00pm Saturday 6th June & 10.00am - 1.00pm Sunday 7th June. Presentaions after the Sunday weigh-in.
WHERE: Apex Par, Lamerough Parade (next to Caloundra Power Boat Club)
COST: Entry Fee $45.00 which is also an entry into the random draws
For more information please contact Barry Kliese on (07) 5492 4760 or email

Posted by Community Information Services

New Water Efficient Plant Database

New Water Efficient Plant Database
The State Government is actively seeking ways to assist gardeners to maintain their gardens using less water. With this in mind, the development of a new public domain plants database has been commissioned by Waterwise. The database will be a comprehensive listing of plants for each region of Queensland, which are considered to be efficient water users, or drought resistant, for that region. It will include all types of plants, from trees and shrubs to annuals and herbs, and cover both native and introduced species.These workshops are an opportunity for gardeners, nurserymen and horticulturalists to contribute to and comment on the plant database, ensuring their local knowledge is put to good use. The water efficient plant database is being developed for use by homeowners and industry across the state. It will be incorporated into an interactive searchable database on the Department’s website which can be readily accessed based on the user’s postcode.

WHERE: Sebel Function Room, Aerodrome Road, Maroochydore

WHEN: Thursday 30th April

TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm
For more information or to book (bookings are essential for catering purposes) call Nathalie on (07) 3852 8700 or
Posted by Community Information Services at 15:57 0 comments